Monday, 21 February 2011

Politician Watch: Morning Star Newspaper and Early Day Motion 1334

I recently blogged about the Early Day Motion 1334 in support of the Morning Star. Following a letter to my MP I received this unsatisfying response:
RE: Morning Star Newspaper and Early Day Motion (EDM) 1334

Thank you for contacting me about the above matter.

I certainly appreciate the value of a broad and independent media in the UK. This plurality plays a vital role in a vigorous democracy.

If the BBC is to remain independent, it is vital that politicians only intervene in extreme circumstances. Whilst I can understand why you might be concerned over the BBC’s position on the Morning Star, I do not feel that it would be appropriate for me to intervene in this instance.

Thanks again for taking the trouble to contact me about this important issue.

Yours sincerely

Mike Weatherley MP

It’s a shame Mike and his fellow Tories don’t feel it equally inappropriate to intervene in the NHS...

1 comment:

Labour Left said...

This response is doubly scandalous when you consider the Tories' attempts to reinforce Murdoch's media monopoly. Doesn't sound like an independent media or a lack of interference.

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